So, I guess I was tagged by Jamie, so, because it was you, I will fill this out.
4 Jobs You've Had:·
Disney Store Manager Burger King Manager Podiatric Assistant CNA
4 Places You've Lived:
North Hollywood, CA Rexburg, ID Madrid, Spain Calgary, AB
4 Favorite TV Shows:
Grey's Anatomy ER Desperate Housewives Amazing Race
4 Favorite Foods
Meat Chicken Potato Chips Rice
4 Websites You Frequent:· TD Canada Trust
4 Movies You Love:· Sound of Music ( All time favorite) Any Hugh Grant Movie Any musical All Harry Potter movies
4 Bloggers you Tag to be It Next
Kara John Punj I do not know any more bloggers that have not already done it.
Friday, June 22, 2007
Since again, nothing exciting ever happens to me, I thought I would dedicate a special place to my baby brother... Have a great day. I am going to the temple today, and will think of you.
Since nothing exciting ever happens to me, I thought I would post a few of the things that are important to me, and a few of the things I have been up too. I refuse to have pictures taken of me, so I might have to break down and take at least one!